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Fire Emblem Three Houses Best Classes for Golden Deer

Since Burn down Keepsake: Three Houses has so much customization when information technology comes to classes and what weapons to use, it can be kind of daunting and hard to choose what role each character should fill. Therefore, I thought I'd requite you a lilliputian manus with this guide on characters and which roles suited them best.


three houses golden deer

The leader of the Gold Deer house is quite the versatile man. He is skilful in swords, bows, authorization, horses and flying. He fifty-fifty has a hidden talent in axes. His personal skill doesn't give him any bonus in combat, just it does cyberspace him +xx% EXP. His only downsides are lances and faith magic (your typical healing spells), but he notwithstanding has a ton of options when it comes to form selection.

· Lord: Since he is the Golden Deer house leader, Claude has admission to the special Lord class, which eventually has its ain special promotions. He can even notwithstanding utilise his typical bow, merely brand sure to besides railroad train him in authority. He also eventually gets a wyvern; if that isn't badass, I don't know what is.

· Cavalier/Paladin: Due to his knack for riding, Claude would make a pretty damn good cavalier. The merely affair that sucks is that he isn't very proficient with lances, so be wary near this determination. He would make a pretty cool cavalier that uses bows though, and added mobility is always a bully matter in Fire Emblem.

· Archer/Sniper: Wow what a surprise, the guy who starts with a bow would make a good archer. It's definitely a viable option for Claude. The just matter is that after sniper, there is no farther bow only class options. His other two options are much ameliorate, but if you're gung-ho on having some other archer in a firm that's already dominated by bow users, you lot totally tin can.


three houses golden deer

Look at this large boy! This guy is like the Hercules of Burn down Emblem. By saying that, yous might already guess what kind of classes are good for him. Raphael has high HP, strength, and pretty decent defence force. All of his other stats are pretty defective though. His personal skill is probably one of the worst in the game; he has a luck percent chance (significant the skill will activate depending on how high his luck stat is) to heal 10% of his health every plow. Raphael is good with axes, gauntlets and heavy armour, and bad at bows, faith magic and riding. He's probably bad at riding because any horse would take a difficult time carrying that wide load. Notwithstanding, some expert class choices for him are;

· Armour Knight/Fortress Knight: Although he doesn't have the greatest base defence, his high HP and strength are right up the armour knight'south alley.  Raphael is 1 of the only really bulky units you get on the Gold Deer, so making him into a class that tin cutting off choke points and concur his ain against a lot of units is a good decision. You lot may want to slap some gauntlets on him to counteract his low speed.

· Brawler/Grappler: Since he has a lot more strength than defense force, a Brawler might be a better option for Raphael. The downside is that gauntlets are less authentic and Raphael has a low base accuracy; still, since information technology's a more than offensive form, that might be improve for his stats.

· Fighter/Bandit: With his high strength, Raphael would do a ton of harm as a fighter. The downside is that Warriors typically also use bows, and Raph is terrible with them, then grooming him to exist a warrior might be difficult.  It seems that every class he's good in, doesn't actually showtime his bad accuracy.


three houses golden deer

This niggling ball of complaints will absolutely surprise you by existence 1 of your main powerhouses. She may act like a princess, but she will destroy anything in her path. Hilda has a very high base strength stat with pretty decent speed and HP. She's good with axes and lances, and she has a hidden talent in armour. She's probably bad in authority considering she hates taking responsibility for anything. In my playthrough at the moment, Hilda is my virtually powerful educatee. She isn't good with a lot of weapon types, but she really excels in these classes:

·   Fighter/Brigand: Hilda's high force mixed with this course volition wreck anything in her path. With a few lucky increases to her speed, Hilda volition ever be on the front lines. Thankfully she isn't bad with bows, then eventually making her into a Warrior is a good option. Hilda, simply similar Raphael, has sub-par dexterity, so making her into an axe ascendant course will mean she is likely to miss her target a bit more.

· Armour Knight/Fortress Knight: Due to her subconscious talent in armour and proficiency in axes, Hilda would brand 1 hell of an Armour Knight. The only effect is her sub-par defence, which would exist a bit odd for an Armour Knight. Seeing Hilda in a huge set of armour would likewise exist pretty funny.


three houses golden deer

The only class change this guy needs is whichever one gives him a better haircut; sadly none of them do. He makes upward for information technology past having pretty decent stats all around. Lorenz's only bad weapon attribute is also gauntlets, which doesn't really thing since he is fabricated to be the perfect Cavalier.

· Cavalier/Paladin: Equally mentioned above, Lorenz's stats are perfect to become a equus caballus rider. His personal skill, Distinguished House, means that If he has a battalion equipped, he does +two damage. Having a unit that can go halfway across the map and kill annihilation in his path is extremely useful.

· Archer/Sniper: Archers usually accept pretty lop-sided stats, which ways they don't e'er plough out the greatest. Only Lorenz has the potential to be a great archer due to even stats and decent strength. Again, if yous don't desire too many archers on your team, be careful near your choices. However, if you do want more one archer, Lorenz is a great pick.

· Dark Mage/Warlock: Lorenz is i of those units that has decent strength and magic, giving him lots of options. There are a few other candidates for Mage, so Lorenz would make a great Dark Mage and eventual Warlock. His base of operations defence and resistance are equal, which is suitable for a night mage.


three houses golden deer

There is no denying that Marianne is supposed to exist the healer of your group. She has a really high base magic and good base resistance. Her personal skill is very good considering anytime she is about a horse or Pegasus unit, she regains 20% of her health every turn. Therefore, keeping her near Claude or Lorenz is a good idea. It's not known if she gets this bonus if she herself uses a equus caballus or Pegasus. Just nonetheless, y'all should still make her into these classes.

· Pegasus Knight/Falcon Knight: Having a flier on your squad is e'er a great idea. Their mobility is matched by no 1 and Marrianne's high resistance is a perfect fit for a Pegasus Knight. Making her a flier that can heal volition mean that she will be able to get to anyone in dire need of some heals. She'south also good with swords and has a hidden talent in lances, which is exactly the weapons that a Falcon Knight uses.

· Priest/Bishop: Due to her proficiency in faith magic and a high base of operations magic stat, Marianne should be your party healer. Her personal skill means she will be harder to hit when effectually certain units, which is always a skillful thing for a healer. Just make sure she has a proficient way to dish damage also.


three houses golden deer

This piffling ball of nervousness will be quite a benefaction to your squad. Ignatz doesn't actually excel in any other form that doesn't involve bows, so you lot should know what to pick. Due to the Gilded Deer having lots of bow users, I wouldn't have too many of them become archers, merely Ignatz has a personal skill that is quite handy for bow users. He gains +20% accuracy when he attacks. You would call up considering of his personal skill, that he would have a hidden talent in axes or gauntlets because they are less accurate, just this isn't the case. Yet, Ignatz is practiced with swords, bows and authority, and has a hidden talent in reason magic (offensive spells).

· Archer/Sniper: Ignatz should be the main Archer of your squad besides Claude. Archers volition eventually exist able to attack from farther distances, merely by doing so, they volition lose accuracy. Luckily, his personal skill will give him +20 accurateness to all of his attacks. Considering of this, he wouldn't always have to go far the thick of combat, which is e'er a good thing for archers. He too has pretty decent speed, so hopefully he will exist able to double hit a lot of enemies.

·  Thief/Assassin: Information technology's e'er a great assist to have a Thief on your team so you aren't carrying keys everywhere. With his proficiency in swords and bows (the weapons a typical Assassin uses) information technology fits Ignatz perfectly. The simply thing is that Thieves aren't usually very strong, and Ignatz doesn't have a very high base strength stat. His personal skill really isn't useful if you become a Thief considering they almost e'er have very high dexterity anyhow. Information technology'south more of a utility class than annihilation.

·   Myrmidon/Swordmaster: Honestly, everything that was just said about the Thief tin can be said about the Myrmidon. He will already have high dexterity so his personal skill would exist useless, just his decent strength and loftier speed is perfect for this grade.


three houses golden deer

She isn't called a prodigy for no reason. Lysithiea has first-class base of operations magic, so she will exist the main Mage on your team. She'south bad with literally every physical weapon type, and has horrendous base strength, then don't give her whatever weapons. No thing what course you assign to her, she will be a drinking glass cannon. She volition exist able to exercise a ton of magical damage, just not accept many attacks, especially if they're physical. The oddity with Lysithiea is that she has a hidden talent in swords, merely is also bad with them, so she will gain half the experience from them. But her personal skill ways she will get double the weapon EXP from battle, and so she gains a normal amount of weapon EXP? Very strange. But, all of her good class choices will involve magic.

·   Mage/Sage: Lysithiea will be doing a ton of magical damage as long equally she has an offensive magic role. The but strange thing is that she will have quite depression resistance for a magical user, but it'south still amend than a lot of physical based classes. Her magic has a max stat of 86, which is crazy loftier for anyone.

·  Night Mage/Warlock: Information technology's pretty much the same as a Mage, but she might have amend defense in the end. Dark Mages are typically stronger than Mages, so it might mean she maxes out her magic stat more than than beingness a Mage.

· Priest/Bishop: In some cases, Lysithiea might be the best choice for your healer due to her stats. Because she is pretty wearisome and has low defence force, putting her on the front lines may be a bad decision. Her loftier magic means that she will e'er heal people fully, and non merely partially when they are hurt. Plus, Marianne might be better for the front lines due to her personal skill which gives her more avert.


three houses golden deer

Leonie is quite the offensive adult female. She has practiced strength, dexterity, speed and defense force, but has bad magical stats. She'southward a unique instance because she isn't bad with any weapons or magic, but is strong with lances, bows and riding. She has no subconscious talents. Her personal skill, Rivalry, is pretty much the exact opposite of Sylvain's because she gets +2 harm when she is abreast a male unit in combat, and she also takes -2 harm as well. It's a pretty handy personal skill, so always keep her near a male pupil or male Byleth. She has some skillful choices for classes;

· Cavalier/Paladin: At this point, if you take everything I say equally gospel, y'all'll have a ton of horses on your team, merely it's upwards to you to pick and choose who you want as a Condescending, or if you fifty-fifty want one on your squad. But y'all can't deny that she has the stats and weapon proficiencies that would brand her a good Cavalier.

· Armour Knight/Fortress Knight: Although she doesn't accept an affinity for armour or axes, she could exist a decent Lance Knight. With her good offensive base of operations stats and dandy personal skill, she would be quite the defensive animate being. Once again though, merely be mindful that she isn't good with axes or armour, but she isn't bad with them either.

· Archer/Sniper: Since she is skilful with bows, and the fact that in almost every trailer, she'south seen as an Archer, it might be a good pick for Leonie. It will all depend on who you cull as an Archer, and she might be better to keep on the front end lines due to her stats and personal skills.

And at that place y'all accept it ladies and gentlemen, my guide for the Golden Deer Faction. Just retrieve that these are merely suggestions and that yous tin play nonetheless you want.

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Sterling Silver

I write articles for Parallax Media! Goose egg better than a skillful RPG. Replaying old games when I have new ones.

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