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How to Make Car Lights Clear Again

DIY How to restore headlights permanently the right way

Foggy headlights don't but have away from the aesthetic appeal of your ride — they're too a safety hazard. By reducing light output at night, yellowing headlights impair your seeing ability, putting yous and anybody else in your car in danger.

Thankfully, foggy headlights are pretty like shooting fish in a barrel to gear up. What's more, you don't accept to spend a hefty corporeality at the mechanic since headlight restoration is something you tin can practise yourself.

Here's our comprehensive guide on how to restore headlights permanently, plus a few quick temporary fixes to try if you're in a rush.

What Causes Foggy Headlights?

When you lot first buy a car, all its parts, including the headlights, are usually pleasantly shiny. A few months downwards the line, the once shiny headlights are replaced past foggy headlights due to:

  • Oxidation: A majority of modern cars feature polycarbonate plastic headlights. Unlike glass, polycarbonate plastic develops microscopic cracks that turn yellow when exposed to sunlight, eventually causing a cloudy or foggy headlight appearance
  • Time and Conditions Atmospheric condition: Although polycarbonate plastic headlights are typically covered using a coating film, exposure to harsh conditions weather condition over a long time makes the coat skin off
  • H2o vapor: Condensation trapped in your machine's lightbox is likewise a common culprit backside dulling headlights
  • Dirt and chemicals: If yous're always on the road, your car may develop a sparse chemic and clay layer, causing yellow headlights

How to Restore Car Headlights

Sanding is the best, most efficient way to restore auto headlights permanently. Sanding headlights strips away the foggy layer, revealing the once shiny lite lenses you loved. Here's what yous'll need:

  • Warm, soapy h2o
  • Patently h2o
  • Soft, dry textile
  • Masking/painter'due south tape
  • Sandpaper sheets - 600, ane,000, and ii,000 dust
  • Plastic Polishing Compound
  • Flannel polishing textile
  • UV resistant sealant

Clean Your Headlights

Sanding headlights without proper cleaning grinds contaminants deep into their surface, resulting in a rough, uneven surface with poor adhesion.

Use warm, soapy water to make clean the headlight lenses' surface, rinse, and and then wipe dry using a soft, dry fabric. You may want to launder the surrounding areas likewise to help with the next step.

Tape Off the Area

You don't want to accidentally sand off your car's pigment which would just turn into another new and expensive auto problem on your list.

Earlier you offset sanding abroad to restore your headlights, employ masking or painter's tape around the headlight surface area. Two strips of tape are normally enough. If you feel insecure even after using tape, you tin can always remove your headlights, but this volition be a lot of work.

Sanding Headlights

Once you make clean foggy headlights and record away the expanse, it'southward fourth dimension for the real work to begin. You volition need elbow grease and different grits of sandpaper to get the job done. Notation, the college the grit, the finer the sandpaper. Start with the coarsest option and gradually piece of work your way to the finest.

That said, here are the sanding steps for this DIY headlight restoration project:

  • Dry sand with 600 dust sandpaper: Since it's the coarsest, sand downwardly your headlights using the 600 dust sandpaper, sand in directly horizontal lines until the whole surface is covered, and ensure you maintain a consequent pattern until you lot're satisfied the foggy layer is gone. If your headlights are heavily oxidized and cloudy, yous may use 400-grit sandpaper.
  • Wet sand with 1,000 grit sandpaper: Using your water spray bottle, apply water (serves every bit a lubricant) on the surface of your headlights, and lightly wet sand using the ane,000 grit wet or wet-dry sandpaper. As advised, follow consistent sanding motions for an easier headlight restoration procedure. Also, keep on lubricating the surface using h2o.
  • Moisture sand with 2,000 dust sandpaper: At this betoken, your headlights should be clearer, and this last circular of sanding is to get that actress oomph and smoothen out the headlight lens surface. As we did in the previous footstep, lubricate the surface using water and lightly utilize a ii,000 dust moisture-dry out sandpaper to smooth out the surface using consistent motions.

Clean and Polish

With the cloudy layer gone, your headlights will at present be clearer and looking virtually new once more. If you want to go that showroom sparkle back, you'll demand to clean and polish them. Wipe the surface using alcohol and paper towels to removing sanding debris, and so rub in your polishing compound with a flannel polishing fabric using consistent motions for an extra shine.

Alternatively, if you want to employ your power tools, you can also buff and polish your headlights using a cotton wool buffing wheel on an angle grinder or a felt polishing wheel with an bending grinder or die grinder. Instead of a polishing compound, you would utilize a bluish rouge buffing compound bar with these kinds of buffing wheels. Just make sure you run it on a low setting that won't estrus the plastic surface too much which could crusade harm to the headlamp.

Utilize UV Sealant

Although sanding your headlights is a somewhat easy and efficient style to restore headlights, information technology'due south not something you desire to accept to do all the time. If y'all want to remove the cloudy await for a long time, you'll need to finish off this project with a UV sealant.

Applying a UV sealant keeps headlights from oxidizing again. You'll want to use at to the lowest degree 3 coats to preserve that astonishing headlight shine you lot achieved through sanding.

Quick (Temporary) Fixes to Restore Headlights

Sanding is efficient, but it calls for elbow grease and is fourth dimension-intensive. Hither are some easy, temporary fixes you can utilise to clean foggy headlights when time is an issue:


Besides brushing your teeth, toothpaste has 101 other uses, including restoring your headlights. It contains slightly abrasive ingredients that break down oxidative contaminants on the lens surface.

Mix toothpaste with baking soda and evenly rub it onto the headlight's surface. Let information technology dry, then wipe off using a soft wet material. Your headlights will be clearer than before, and yous'll be set for the side by side few night errands.

Utilise Baking Soda and Distilled Vinegar

Similar to toothpaste, baking soda and vinegar are incredibly versatile products. While cleaning auto headlights, baking soda breaks down the contaminants, while vinegar efficiently removes the crud.

Mix one part baking soda with one office vinegar to create a fizzy paste. Rub the paste on your headlights, allow it sit for a few minutes, and then use a soft fabric to wipe it away. You will have shinier headlights in no fourth dimension.

Use Coca Cola

Yep, yous read information technology right — your favorite drink tin can also restore automobile headlights. It contains phosphoric acid, which is quite efficient in removing rust and stains.

Transfer a can of diet coke (it's easier to clean since it has no sugar residues) into a spray canteen and spray a reasonable amount on your headlights. Permit information technology sit for a minute, and and then dry out it using a microfiber textile. If your headlights are heavily oxidized, you lot may have to echo the process several times.

Restore Auto Headlights with Dish Soap

For this method, offset, wipe off your headlights to remove dust and other debris. Apply some hot water and dish lather, and leave it to sit for a few minutes. Wipe in circular, consistent motions, and rinse. Echo the steps every bit needed.

Preventing Headlights from Oxidizing

While foggy headlights aren't completely unavoidable, cheque steps yous can take to proceed headlights from oxidizing fast:

  • Park smartly: the main reason why headlights yellow out is UV radiation — parking your motorcar under a shade whenever yous tin can is the easiest fashion to slow downwards headlight oxidation.
  • Wash your car: As noted, automobile headlights sometimes get cloudy due to clay and chemic layer. Washing your vehicle regularly using the correct cleaners helps prevent fogging.
  • Sand your machine headlights periodically: You don't have to wait until your headlights are completely yellowed out to sand them out. Sanding headlights one time every few months will keep them looking as shiny equally they were when you first bought your motorcar.

Restoring Headlights Permanently

Headlight restoration is a projection you lot tin can handle yourself on a wearisome Sunday afternoon past following the tips to a higher place. However, keep in mind some of the DIY headlight restoration techniques are only effective for a short while. Sanding is the all-time pick to restore headlights permanently.


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