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The Aim of Art Therapy Is to Elicit Processes of Change

  • Journal Listing
  • Evid Based Complement Alternat Med
  • v.two(4); 2005 December
  • PMC1297510

Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2005 Dec; 2(4): 481–488.

A Critical Analysis of Chromotherapy and Its Scientific Evolution

Received 2005 Jun 13; Accepted 2005 Sep xxx.


Chromotherapy is a method of handling that uses the visible spectrum (colors) of electromagnetic radiation to cure diseases. It is a centuries-old concept used successfully over the years to cure various diseases. Nosotros have undertaken a critical analysis of chromotherapy and documented its scientific development to date. A few researchers accept tried to notice the underlying scientific principles, but without quantitative written report. Sufficient published material can be found virtually the subject that provides a consummate system of treatment focused on the treatment methodologies and healing characteristics of colors. A number of studies have elaborated the relationship between the human body and colors. We also prove the possibility of conveying out diverse research into chromotherapy that is pertinent to deciphering the quantum mechanical dipole moment of water molecules. The quantum mechanical dipole moment as a result of the absorption of different colors, nosotros theorize, produces accuse quantization phenomena. This review illustrates that the evolution of science in the field of electromagnetic radiations/energy can be very helpful in discovering new dimensions of this onetime theory.

Keywords: charge quantization, chromotherapy, electromagnetic waves


Newtonian ideas helped us to understand solid matter and moving objects found in the earth'due south gravitational field. Einstein, all the same, through his renowned equation E = mc two, determined that energy and affair are dual expressions of the same universal substance (one).

The vibratory rate of a substance determines its density or its form as affair. A slowly vibrating substance is referred to as concrete affair, whereas the subatomic (which vibrates at or above the speed of light) is subtle matter or pure light free energy. Calorie-free is electromagnetic radiation, which is the fluctuation of electric and magnetic fields in nature. More than simply, light is energy, and the phenomenon of color is a production of the interaction of free energy and matter. The wavelength, frequency and quantity of energy of every colorful ray are fixed for each color; that is, a specific wavelength, a certain frequency and a particular amount of energy in that wave have been denominated every bit a distinct color. The human eye is sensitive to electromagnetic radiation only at wavelengths roughly between 380 and 780 nm. This small segment is called the visible spectrum or visible light. Visible light tin exist cleaved down into numerous electromagnetic frequencies, and frequency relates to a color of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, light-green, blueish, indigo, violet and all the vibrations thereof.

Newtonian concepts, limited to the observable, have likewise been applied by contemporary medicine, which is premised on the idea that the total moving-picture show becomes anticipated by agreement and regulating the diverse textile parts. That is, when a office of the body malfunctions, it is removed or replaced in a similar way to how we handle machinery. Alternatively, information technology is treated with chemic ingredients that oft crusade negative side furnishings. Simply stated, contemporary medicine examines the symptoms and influences or suppresses them, but information technology does not involve itself with a real source—diseased life energies. Einstein'due south approach deals with the human torso not as an assemblage of chemical parts but every bit a total, complete system operating in harmony with the electromagnetic/free energy organisation of the universe. The key to agreement chromotherapy/vibrational healing lies not in the Newtonian mechanistic approach simply in rerouting energy fields that grade complex relationships with other fields such as those surrounding the concrete/cellular substance and others relating to more not-physical energies (i).

Every creature is engulfed in light that affects its health conditions (2). The human being body, according to the doctrine of chromotherapy, is basically equanimous of colors. The body comes into existence from colors, the trunk is stimulated by colors and colors are responsible for the right working of various systems that role in the body. All organs and limbs of the body have their own distinct color (3). All organs, cells and atoms exist equally energy, and each form has its frequency or vibrational energy. Each of our organs and energy centers vibrates and harmonizes with the frequencies of these colors. When various parts of the trunk deviate from these expected normal vibrations, ane can assume that the body is either diseased or at least not functioning properly. The vibratory rates inherent in the vibrational technique (chromotherapy) are such that they balance the diseased energy pattern constitute in the body. For in every organ there is an energetic level at which the organ functions best. Any departure from that vibratory rate results in pathology, whereas restoring the appropriate energy levels to the concrete organs results in a healed body (1).

Chromotherapy is a narrow band in the cosmic electromagnetic free energy spectrum, known to humankind every bit the visible color spectrum. It is composed of reds, greens, blues and their combined derivatives, producing the perceivable colors that fall between the ultraviolet and the infrared ranges of free energy or vibrations. These visual colors with their unique wavelength and oscillations, when combined with a low-cal source and selectively applied to dumb organs or life systems, provide the necessary healing energy required by the torso. Light affects both the physical and etheric bodies. Colors generate electrical impulses and magnetic currents or fields of free energy that are prime number activators of the biochemical and hormonal processes in the human being trunk, the stimulants or sedatives necessary to balance the unabridged arrangement and its organs (Fig. i).

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Human Torso: conglomeration of colors.

History of Chromotherapy

Concrete View

Ancient observation chromotherapy is a centuries-onetime concept. The history of color medicine is as onetime as that of whatsoever other medicine. Phototherapy (light therapy) was adept in ancient Egypt, Hellenic republic, China and India. The Egyptians utilized sunlight as well as colour for healing (four). Color has been investigated as medicine since 2000 BC (v). People of that era were certainly unaware of the scientific facts of colors every bit medicine, only they certainly had faith in healing with colors. They used primary colors (i.e. blood-red, blue and xanthous) for healing as they were unaware of the mixing up of two colors. The scientific discipline seems to accept been silent at those times.

Co-ordinate to aboriginal Egyptian mythology, the art of chromotherapy was discovered past the god Thoth. In the hermetic traditions, the aboriginal Egyptians and Greeks used colored minerals, stones, crystals, salves and dyes as remedies and painted treatment sanctuaries in various shades of colors (six). The ancient Ayurvedic md Charaka, who lived in the sixth century BC, recommended sunlight to treat a multifariousness of diseases (vii). In ancient Greece the concrete nature of color was dominant. Color was intrinsic to healing, which involved restoring balance. Garments, oils, plasters, ointments and salves were used to treat affliction. The Greeks were unaware of biological changes in the body as a result of color treatment; all the same, they had bullheaded organized religion in the healing backdrop of colors. It is also interesting to know that they used both forms of handling with colors: straight exposure to sunlight and indirect healing. In the indirect method, they used such materials every bit stones, dyes, ointments and plasters as the medium. What was missing in their medicinal employ of color was water equally a medium for the absorption of color, which later proved to exist the best remedy for removing toxins from the body. This concept is common amidst all researchers working on hydrochromopathy (iii).

Avicenna (Ad 980) advanced the fine art of healing using colors. He made clear the vital importance of color in both diagnosis and treatment. According to Avicenna, 'Colour is an observable symptom of disease.' He also adult a chart that related color to temperature and physical condition of the torso. He used color handling with the view that ruby-red moved the blood, bluish or white cooled it and yellow reduced muscular hurting and inflammation (vi). Avicenna'south piece of work undoubtedly advanced the use of chromotherapy in those times. He discussed the properties of colors for healing and was the first to establish that the wrong color suggested for therapy would certainly arm-twist no response in specific diseases. For instance, he observed that a person with a nosebleed should not gaze at things of a bright red color and should not be exposed to red lite considering this would stimulate the sanguineous sense of humour, whereas blueish would soothe information technology and reduce blood flow. This seems to be the applied understanding at the time, just we do not discover discrete values of frequencies or energies associated with these colors.

19th Century Ideas and Practices Pleasanton (1876) used merely blue and stated that blue was the kickoff remedy in instance of injuries, burns or aches. He reported his findings on the furnishings of colour in plants, animals and humans. He claimed that 'the quality yield and the size of grapes could significantly increase if they were grown in a greenhouse fabricated with alternating blueish and transparent panes of glass' (8). He too cured sure diseases and increased fertility likewise as the rate of physical maturation in animals by exposing them to blueish calorie-free. The aforementioned methodology employing the color bluish was adopted by Hassan (1999), who institute it to exist very useful as a first-line treatment for injuries as well as for burns. Since, Pleasanton's work lacked scientific proof and prove, no established rules were presented before the scientific societies, leading to a great gap between his work and the development of color/vibrational healing on scientific grounds. If piece of work could be carried out even now on his great ideas, peculiarly in agricultural development and in animals, researchers could brand new discoveries.

Almost areas that seem to have been ignored in the past were emphasized by Edwin Babbitt. Babbitt presented a comprehensive theory of healing with color. He identified the color red equally a stimulant, notably of blood and to a lesser extent the nerves; yellow and orange equally nerve stimulants; blueish and violet as soothing to all systems and equally having anti-inflammatory properties. Accordingly, Babbitt prescribed red for paralysis, physical exhaustion and chronic rheumatism; yellowish as a laxative, emetic and purgative and for bronchial difficulties; blue for inflammatory conditions, sciatica, meningitis, nervous instability, headache, irritability and sunstroke. He besides stated that 'all vital organs take direct connection with the skin through arteries, blood vessels and capillaries, and colour rays can affect the entire blood stream through circulation and elimination of toxins' (9). Babbitt also adult diverse devices, including a special chiffonier called a thermolume, in which colored glass and natural low-cal were used to produce colored light and a chrome deejay—a funnel-shaped device fitted with a special color filter—was used to focalize calorie-free onto diverse parts of the body. He discussed in detail the effects of the reflection, absorption, manual and polarization of light. Different patients were presented in his book who had been treated using color healing devices created by him. Babbitt likewise established the relationship between color and minerals, which he used as an addition to treatment with colored low-cal, and he adult elixirs by irradiating h2o with sunlight filtered through colored lenses. He claimed that this 'potentized water' retained the free energy of the vital element within the detail color filter used and had remarkable healing power (vii).

Babbitt was in fact among the pioneers of modern chromotherapy. He used both directly and indirect methods of color treatment. He seemed to exist well enlightened of the techniques and methodologies used in chromotherapy. His invention of different devices such as a special chiffonier that used natural lite to produce colored low-cal by splitting information technology into seven colors, used for the focalization of calorie-free onto some particular expanse, worked quite effectively for healing wounds and stopping bleeding, headaches, etc. The actual energy to which he referred in potentized h2o was not calculated by any means. He did non explain the energy change in water, its quantum states and how different kinds of vibrations affect water in different manners. He did not explain virtually the authority of potentized water, but incredible for that fourth dimension was is his correlation of magnetism with chromotherapy. His work on colour healing, for the first time in history, proved to exist comprehensive in taking both a physiological and a psychological arroyo. Whatever chromotherapist even present tin benefit from his work as he discussed advisable colors for diseases in particular that in a style does not contradict to the facts newly established under the influence of science.

20th Century Scientific Emergence Ghadiali (1927) discovered the scientific principles that explicate why and how unlike color rays accept various therapeutic effects on the trunk. His Spectro-Chrome Encyclopaedia, is considered to exist the showtime published volume to explain the complete doctrine of chromotherapy. The rules explained in this book could exist proved using any kind of modern techniques. Virtually chromopaths accept used his technique (1,10). He discovered that there is a unique color or energy vibration that either sedates or stimulates the stream of free energy through a specific organ, causing a natural biochemical reaction. By knowing the action of unlike colors upon the dissimilar organs and systems of the trunk, one tin can apply the appropriate color that volition residual the action of whatsoever organ or arrangement that has become abnormal in its functioning or condition. When this balance is disturbed, mental and physical issues occur. The aim of the science of color healing is to cure disease past restoring normal balance of color energies of the body (11). Ghadiali established that detail areas of the trunk respond to particular colors; these areas are similar to what the ancients called 'chakras'. According to Klotsche, 'the chakras are areas of highly concentrated energy that are connected to various locations mainly forth the spinal cord. These energy fields are related to the major organs in the body' (1). The concept of chakras is essentially an east Indian concept, which Ghadiali presented every bit the source of energies.

The work of Ghadiali actually demystified the theory of chromotherapy. Ghadiali's research stated: 'The colour bands of spectrograms are produced when a element undergoes a process of combustion or vaporization that accelerates the movement of its atoms. The specific band of colours and dark lines emitted when a certain element is heated, are known as Fraunhauafer lines.' This procedure is commonly used to identify the chemical composition of a substance (with a photospectrometer) (11).

Opposite to accustomed scientific theory, which assumes that each element is a unit, Ghadiali concluded that 'the chemical elements are colour compounds'. His results can be proved by whatever of the sophisticated equipment of modern science. 'A specific disease thus constitutes a specific imbalance of colour waves and by implication, chemic imbalance.' Ghadiali found that by treating the trunk with a item colour vibration, ane could finer reintroduce the appropriate biochemical elements into the body; he referred to this equally color chemical science, certainly a new discipline. His results as published in the first decade of the twentieth century were advocated by Klotsche (1) in Colour Medicine: color medicine non only tin heal the diseased frequency of the body but besides tin introduce actual chemical elements/vibration into the body in a non-toxic class.

During the nineteenth century the emphasis in scientific discipline was exclusively on matter rather than on free energy. As medicine came nether the umbrella of science, it focused also much on the cloth physical body, ignoring the mind. With the advances in physical medicine and treatments such as surgery and antiseptic, interest in healing with colors declined.

Understanding Chakra and Colour Ray Frequency In 1951 Takkata discovered that 'Colour Ray Frequency changes in atmosphere arising from the sunspots really impact the flocculation index of human blood albumin resulting in changes of menstrual cycles'. Takkata came up with experimental results on direct exposure to sunlight. He did not mention anything most fabric aids for providing a color deficient to the human torso. Ott described Takkata's experiment in Part III of his series Colour and Light: Their Effect on Plants, Animals and People, published in 1987, and described how color rays from sunspots would change a person's flocculation index. He further explained that there are unlike methods of applying colored lite. Information technology can exist received through the peel or the eyes, which, in turn, has been found to stimulate the internal glands (ten). Ott's work seems to be a continuation of Takkata'due south efforts; both have worked on the furnishings of low-cal on claret, but Ott likewise described the different methods of chromotherapy. It is not clear in his piece of work what parameters he has adopted to verify the effect of sunlight on skin. The aforementioned effect was likewise described in Babbitt'south work, which is more informative and explanatory. It is very interesting that no chromopath has contradicted some other's specific color treatment suggested for a specific disease. Ott likewise emphasized the biological operation of the human body when chromotherapy is applied. He noted that unlike lights affect different enzymatic reactions for healing purposes (x). This was the first time that the effect of chromotherapy was tested at the Dna level.

As Ghadiadi, Klotsche correlated colors with chakras:

Cherry Root chakra
Orangish Sacral chakra
Green Heart chakra
Bluish Pharynx chakra
Indigo Brow chakra
Violet Crown chakra
White Perfect color blend

Each chakra energizes and sustains sure organs. The balance of the 7 chakras activates healing by transmitting energy to the electromagnetic field around the body (i). 'The body has seven major free energy centres known every bit chakras, each centres is responsive to a unlike colour. Chakra located at the sites of the major endocrine glands, corresponds to particular states of consciousness, personality types and endocrine secretions.

Approaches to Chromotherapy For new researchers, Klotsche discussed some useful points about chromotherapy as he practiced it, and he found it to be a complete therapeutic organisation for 123 major illnesses. He used single colors and also combinations of ii or more colors for therapy and different techniques, namely, direct exposure and hydrochromopathy. He correlated the concepts of color healing with Einstein's mass–free energy relationship, which seems quite accurate in terms of the concept of an energy field around the human body. His work seems to be an extension of Ghadiali's concept, but information technology proved to be more than accurate. He emphasized the pros of chromotherapy—that it is rubber, uncomplicated, economical and highly constructive—but still his work lacks scientific proof on hydrochromopathy, which according to him was the all-time means of toxin elimination. We find no scientific calculations in his report; no spectroscopy has been conducted in this context.

Mester conducted experiments to determine the role of light in creature and homo cells. The work of Mester resembles that of Azeemi and gives a clear picture of the effects of colors on the human torso, whether applied directly to the pare or captivated in such materials equally h2o, oil and milk and then given to the patient. This could affect patients with hereditary diseases such equally hypertension, thalassemia and diabetes. This work needs more research and a series of experiments should exist carried out with certain biophysical applications. Azeemi discussed in item the causes of diseases and suggested advisable colors, which are very easy to empathise and to use. He discussed in detail different methods of chromotherapy but emphasized hydrochromopathy. The consummate methodology of chromotherapy as described by him is extremely useful and effective; undoubtedly, a new surface area of research has evolved with the publication of his book.

Hassan also adopted the methodology presented past Azeemi. His work is remarkable in the sense that he compiled all the concepts of chromopathy established so far. Chromotherapists of the past emphasized ane thing and left others unattended. Some have emphasized direct exposure of the affected and diseased expanse to light. Some take talked almost the materials, and others have emphasized only watching colour. It is evident that all these methods focused but on the material aspect of chromotherapy, but Hassan produced a detailed study covering dissimilar aspects of chromotherapy, including the fabric aspect of healing as well as the electromagnetic transfer of colour characteristics. Hassan (iii) measured the production of a 32 su (sparkle units) charge in chromotized water due to the absorption of rays, but any theoretical explanation is missing. This was the starting time time in the history of chromotherapy that this kind of work had been done, but surprisingly Hassan did not go on farther to the spectroscopy of charged water. He besides related 7 musical tones to seven vibrational states and seven vitamins. He compared chromotherapy with all other therapeutic systems adult so far, with an in-depth explanation of the complete doctrine of chromotherapy (vibrational healing). He states: 'Every therapeutic system has its own doctrine or to say own bespeak of view near the reasons and causes of diseases.' According to the theory of chromalux,

An electric charge is produced due to the influence of the vibrations of cosmic and colourful rays upon the brain cells. This electric charge takes the form of a electric current emitted where diverse cells collide with some other. This collision results in formation of incalculable colourful vibrations, which can exist termed as thought.

The cervical vertebrae is the main passage for the current that starts from the brain; if this os fractures, the flow of electric current suffers a set up back resulting in harm of the brain tissues (3).

He elaborated the technique of choosing the right color for specific diseases and explained the theory of the basic colors used for therapy and the combinations of different shades. Hassan'southward piece of work stresses that a patient'south history should be keenly observed before suggesting any color.

Color Psychology and Medicine For research techniques and impressive quantitative data, the globe of colour psychology and medicine is indebted to the contempo efforts of Gerard (1970). He painstakingly reviewed the whole expanse of light, colour and their psychophysiological influences. Probably for the first time, he tested the reactions of the entire organism, using avant-garde and modern techniques with colored light beamed onto the peel of the subject field. Profiting from the experience of other scientists and the employ of an electroencephalogram, he evolved new approaches and discovered a number of significant facts (12).

Physiologically, affective responses of subjects revealed that warm colors were useful in arousing those troubled with reactive depression or neurasthenia. They increased muscle tone or claret pressure in hypertensive individuals. Cool colors elicited the reverse affective responses in all of the same tests. Anxious subjects were actually calmed by these libation colors, from the viewpoint of clinical psychology. This is an important finding in Gerard'southward work, every bit it reveals that absurd colors tin can exist effective every bit a tranquilizer in cases of tension and anxiety. Physiologically, all colors produced clinically tangible results. Exposure to warm colors increased respiratory movements, frequency of eye blinks, cortical activation and palmar conductance (arousal of the autonomic nervous organisation). Warm colors consistently showed a more pronounced pattern of stimulation. Cool colors showed opposite effects by acting as a relaxant and tranquilizer for broken-hearted individuals, lowering blood pressure, providing relief from tension, alleviating of muscle spasms and reducing eye blink frequency. They as well proved to exist an assistance for insomnia. Just as warm colors showed a consistently pronounced pattern of stimulation, cool colors showed a consistent pattern of relaxation. To summarize Gerard's research and testing, his scientific data showed that all colors affect all human both psychologically and physiologically in a specific manner.

Metaphysical View

Hassan related the human body to the electromagnetic energy glow surrounding every beast. In his view, this torso or free energy glow is responsible for keeping our body healthy. The aforementioned fact is described by Azeemi in his volume Color Therapy thus: 'It is a wrong concept that our concrete trunk is itself everything, but instead the electromagnetic glow (aura) around the body gives u.s.a. the energy and transfers health or diseases to the physical body' (2).

These concepts received support from Russian scientists who worked in collaboration with an Indian researcher, Shah, using Kirlian technology. They took pictures of the electromagnetic free energy glow around the human trunk and discovered that actual disease appears outset in the aura and is then transferred to our physical body and can be detected vi–viii months prior to appearance in our concrete body. Thus, they have established the fact that chromotherapy can exist a preventive treatment (13). In support of this theory, Thelma Moss (14) noted: 'All seemingly solid objects in our earth including our bodies are made up of the electromagnetic energy, the more dumbo the energy the more solid the object is.' This fact also demonstrates an idea of Einstein's quoted past Shah in his article 'Divine healing', that

if nosotros are the objects with mass "m" and we expose ourselves to a very powerful and loftier intensity electromagnetic field, and and so we volition gradually be transformed from matter into energy. In the form of free energy, if we obtain a superior level of consciousness then we volition be able to straight the catamenia of energy and we will not be restricted by the limited dimensions of space-time. Therefore in this condition we can surpass the boundary of time to render back into the by or to travel in the futurity. In addition to the fact that we are an energy source that possesses witting wisdom, we have the capability to transform ourselves dorsum to the physical form (13).

After Einstein's statement, a new door could be opened to justify the electromagnetic body effectually the physical body, as posited by Klotsche in Color Medicine and that merely Einstein could demonstrate to the materialistic or mechanized Newton-bound world of the West through his mathematical energy formula Due east = mc 2. According to Einstein energy and matter are interchangeable and interconvertible. Klotsche explains this miracle thus:

We know that the vibratory rate of a substance determines its density or its forms as affair. When we recognize the vibratory patterns in the universe, i.e. the energy ranges or fields found on the cosmic electromagnetic calibration, we will then exist able to open the doors to the tremendous healing powers found in the subtle energy octaves of the cosmos. The visible light spectrum with its beneficial frequencies for the human being body provides the preventing tool for healing. Color Medicine is truly, the medicine of the future (i).

Chromotherapy provides colors to the electromagnetic body or the aura (energy field) effectually the body, which in plough transfers energy to the physical body. This makes chromotherapy the most effective among various therapies.

When we speak of color, nosotros hateful free energy waves. Every color, each with its own frequency, is a grade of energy (12). Ghadiali agreed that beaming a color or colors onto the skin acts every bit a form of feeding color to the body. Patterson of Stellar Enquiry Corporation explains that 'light is the closest affair to pure energy that nosotros can identify. Colour equally pure vibrational energy is the rational therapy for maintaining health and overcoming illness' (fifteen). When applied to the human torso, light will provide all deficient energies since every color is associated with a quantity of energy. A concept from physics confirms the idea of chromotherapists that 'colors provide energies'. There accept appeared no contradictions among whatever of the theories near chromotherapy presented, but still at that place are some areas of study which were not focused on in the past, including the written report of the electromagnetic radiation glow around the human being torso and its quantization.

Colors have a profound effect on us at all levels—concrete, mental and emotional. If our free energy levels are blocked or depleted, and then our body cannot function properly, and this in plough can lead to a multifariousness of problems at different levels (xvi). This concept is also supported by Klotsche, who stated:

These interrelating systems of subtle forces recharge or rechannel free energy into diseased areas where information technology is blocked or deficient, for disease is null more than a restriction of energy period. Equally we know energy or vibrational flow along the path of least resistance and through the extra energy associate with the utilise of vibrational healing, the appropriate energies seek out the needed areas, freeing blocked free energy where information technology is most required. The interaction between the dense concrete energy of the body and the subtle free energy, which controls many of the body functions or activities, is the key to understanding relationship between free energy and matter (ane).

This free energy trunk tin can also be proved through photography, every bit described past Perry in scientific documentation of chromotherapy: in 1939, Kirlian discovered that if an object on a photographic plate is subjected to a loftier voltage electric field, an image is created on the plate. The epitome looks like a colored halo or a coronal belch. This epitome is said to be the concrete manifestation of the electromagnetic radiation around the body (aura), which allegedly surrounds every living affair (17).

Qalander (eighteen) explained unrevealed facts about the human body and its energy glow in his work. This idea has also been used past Shah and Russian medical staff for treating patients. This discovery led to a new area of inquiry; unfortunately, scientists even today have not all the same explored the relationship betwixt the bones science of electromagnetic free energy effectually the body (aureola) and chromotherapy. Orthodox medicine and science give their ain explanations of how light works. These explanations are based on strictly physical functions and ignore the bioelectric energy field, which has been demonstrated or photographed with Kirlian devices (1). That electromagnetic energy can be moved through our auras into the physical body by light frequencies, using color medicine, tin can also be explained thus: 'All living things are moist; the wet is transferred from the subject to the emulsion to the electric accuse blueprint on the films, causing a Kirlian image to appear' (fourteen). This undoubtedly helps the states sympathise how affliction is cured according to the doctrine of chromopathy, but the area that should be emphasized is the breakthrough country of electromagnetic radiance around every living body.

Applications of Chromotherapy

Variation in Influences of Light During the 1950s, studies suggested that neonatal jaundice, a potentially fatal status found in ii-thirds of premature babies, could be successfully treated by exposure to sunlight. This was confirmed in the 1960s, and white light replaced high-adventure claret transfusions in the treatment of this condition. Blue low-cal was after constitute to exist more constructive and less hazardous than total-spectrum light (the almost common form of treatment for neonatal jaundice). Comparison of blue light with turquoise for treatment of neonatal jaundice was carried out by Ebbesen (19). Bright white full-spectrum low-cal is also at present being used in the treatment of cancers, SAD (seasonal affective disorder, so-chosen winter depression), anorexia, bulimia nervosa, insomnia, jetlag, shift working, alcohol and drug dependency, and to reduce overall levels of medication. Schauss worked on the tranquilizing upshot of colors and found that color reduces aggressive behavior and violence (20).

The blue light found to exist successful in the treatment of neonatal jaundice has also been shown to be constructive in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, as emphasized by Pleasanton in his piece of work. In studies by McDonald, almost of those exposed to blue light for variable periods of upwards to xv min experienced a significant degree of pain relief. It was concluded that the hurting reduction was directly related both to the blue lite and to the length of exposure to information technology. Bluish low-cal is also used in healing injured tissue and preventing scar tissue, as well as for burns and lung conditions (2). In 1990, scientists reported to the annual conference of the American Association for the Advancement of Science on the successful employ of blue calorie-free in the treatment of a wide variety of psychological issues, including addictions, eating disorders and depression. At the other end of the color spectrum, cherry-red lite has been shown to exist constructive in the treatment of cancer and constipation and in healing wounds. As a result, colour is becoming widely accepted equally a therapeutic tool with various medical applications.

A new technique that has been adult over the by two decades equally a result of pioneering inquiry is photodynamic therapy (PDT). This is based on the discovery that certain intravenously injected photosensitive chemicals non merely accumulate in cancer cells only likewise selectively place these cells under ultraviolet light. These photosensitive chemicals so exclusively destroy the cancer cells when activated by reddish light, whose longer wavelength allows it to penetrate tissue more securely than other colors. PDT can exist used for both diagnosis and treatment. Thomas Dougherty, who adult PDT, reports that in a worldwide experiment more than than 3000 people with a wide variety of cancerous tumors have been successfully treated using this technique (21). Chromotherapy is now used to better the performance of athletes; whereas red light appears to help athletes who need short, quick bursts of energy, blue light assists in performances requiring a steadier energy output.

By comparing, pinkish calorie-free has a tranquilizing and calming effect inside minutes of exposure. It suppresses hostile, ambitious and broken-hearted behavior. Pink belongings cells are at present widely used to reduce violent and aggressive behavior amid prisoners, and some sources take reported a reduction of musculus forcefulness in inmates inside two.7 s. Information technology appears that when in pink environment people tin can never get ambitious despite their desire, considering the color saps their energy. In dissimilarity, xanthous should be avoided in such contexts because information technology is highly stimulating. Gimbel (22) suggested a possible human relationship between violent street law-breaking and sodium yellow street lighting.

Colour, Brain and the Effects of Light Research in Russia during the 1960s showed that one in six experimental subjects could recognize colour with their fingertips afterwards simply xx–30 min training, and bullheaded people developed this sensitivity even more than quickly. Understanding of these furnishings has come about only as a result of enquiry into the hormones melatonin and serotonin, both of which are produced by the pineal gland in the encephalon. Melatonin is known to be the crucial chemical pathway by which animals reply to light and synchronize their bodily functioning with diurnal and seasonal variations. Serotonin is a very of import neurotransmitter in the brain, whose action has been linked with mental disturbances such as schizophrenia and hallucinogenic states. Serotonin, a stimulant, is produced during daylight whereas the output of melatonin – which is linked with sleep – increases when information technology is dark and has a generally depressive effect. This is reversed when it is low-cal and the production of melatonin drops. Its main site of action appears to be the hypothalamus, the office of the brain involved in mediating the furnishings of various hormones and in regulating emotions. However, changes in the output of melatonin in response to low-cal influence every jail cell of the body, notably the reproductive processes, which are sensitive to such variations. High levels of melatonin have been found in women with ovulation issues and anorexia nervosa (a characteristic feature of which is amenorrhea, or absence of periods), in men with low sperm count and in people suffering from SAD, which commonly occurs during winter. Research as well confirmed that certain parts of the encephalon are not simply light sensitive but actually respond differently to different wavelengths; it is now believed that different wavelengths (colors) of radiation interact differently with the endocrine system to stimulate or reduce hormone production (22).

This work has given a new dimension to chromotherapy: the apply of colors in psychological disorders. Sorry has become a very common problem nowadays, in England in particular, where the sun does non polish for upwardly to 1 or 2 weeks, so that no light enters into the body. As a consequence, psychological diseases manifest, mainly in the form of depressions, which, according to chromopathy studies, are curable without any use of tranquilizers.

A detailed written report of chromotherapy, with patients exposed to sunlight through colour filters, was produced by Jacob. He adopted modern theories to prove the relationship between melatonin, light and color. Takkata was the starting time researcher to effort to notice a relationship between blood and sunlight. Jacob's piece of work concerns hormonal changes as a result of exposure to sunlight. Of course, sunlight is a perfect blend of seven colors; different colors are responsible for the release of different kinds of hormones, which keeps us healthy. Jacob stated in his work that

Light is responsible for turning on the encephalon and the body. Lite enters the body through the optics and skin. When even a single photon of calorie-free enters the eye, it lights upward the unabridged brain. This light triggers the hypothalamus, which regulates all life-sustaining actual functions, the autonomic nervous system, endocrine organization, and the pituitary (the body's master gland). The hypothalamus is also responsible for our trunk'south biological clock. It as well sends a message, by way of light, to the pineal organ, which is responsible for releasing one of our about important hormones, melatonin. The release of melatonin is straight related to light, darkness, colors, and the Earth's electromagnetic field. This necessary hormone affects every prison cell in the body. It turns on each cell's internal activities, assuasive them to harmonize with each other and nature. The pineal gland is believed to exist responsible for our feeling of oneness with the universe and sets the stage for the relationship between our inner being and the environment. If that human relationship is harmonious, we are healthy, happy, and feel a sense of well-beingness. An imbalance in this human relationship makes itself known in the class of disorders or disease in our physical, mental or emotional states. The Pineal is our "light meter", and receives information from the heavens to a higher place, to give united states that sense of oneness with the universe, and from the Earth'southward electromagnetic field below to go along us grounded. A perfect balance is necessary to maintain our health and to keep us in harmony with the environment (22).


Many aspects of humankind'southward explorations are ignored, neglected or discarded. Color medicine is one of these neglected items. The common feature of every remedial and curative system of treatment, whether it is Ayurveda, allopathy, acupuncture, Unani, homeopathy, biochemic, magnetotherapy, physiotherapy, radiotherapy, aromatherapy, reflexology or chromotherapy, is to somehow apply vibrations of ane kind or another in such a manner that the trunk tin can exist put back on the health track. Virtually systems induce vibrations indirectly, merely there are a few in which the vibrations are used directly upon the body, and chromotherapy is one of them.

Babbitt, Ghadiali and Azeemi revolutionized to the development of chromotherapy. Their ideas were carried out by other researchers. No controversies were plant among the theories presented, in research work conducted in any area of the globe.

We conjecture that color is a quantum land of matter. At that place are other quantum states such every bit amuse, beauty, flavor, tenderness, etc. These quantum states are linked with each other via 'glucons' and class intermediatory energy fields known as 'quarks'. Quarks, if condensed, produce bosons, a fifth state of matter. The medium used in chromotherapy has never been explored in depth; for example, h2o, the primary medium used in chromotherapy, has never been studied quantitatively in any of the research conducted in the context of chromotherapy. The literature exhibits a astringent lack of scientific work pertaining to quantum concrete states and optical mathematics. Similarly no proofs available on the ground of scientific calculations of chromotized water. We constitute no study of quantum states and the electromagnetic glow around the human body. Conductivity measurements of the chromotized water used in hydrochromopathy have not been emphasized by any researcher. Mass–energy-related measurements could be helpful in potentizing or chromotizing the liquid medium used for handling. Relationships ought to be established between charged water, its energy states and its result on the human body. The quantum mechanical dipole moment as a effect of absorption of dissimilar colors, nosotros conjecture, produces charge quantization phenomena. Chromotherapy as a arrangement of treatment can benefit people because of its harmony with nature. Everything that exists in this world is a combination of unlike colors (2). In every creation of God, one color or another is dominant; as stated by Azeemi:

Past using clay, a clay pot is repaired and slice of textile mends a doll made of cloth, the plastic is used to repair the manufactures of plastic, then why light and colours cannot be used for the human health care which is the origin of man'due south creation. The holy scriptures say that existence of man is based upon various types of lights and colours. Then why a human being being cannot be treated with colours (2).

Walker once said:

Y'all realize you are part of the hologram of life, surrounded past an aura or free energy field that radiates distinct colour and vibrations. The aura fingertips your soul and reflects your goodness, wellness, mental stability, maturity, emotional/inner turmoil or peaceful fulfilment. More of each of these qualities, peace, wellness, stability, maturity and fulfilment may become your always present precious possession past the awarding of colour's ability in our daily living (23).


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